This project provided UTEP with a considerable number of large auditorium type classrooms for use as teaching space and for large venue events, as well as spaces for meeting and study. The large classrooms are on the upper floors of a three story facility. This required the use of heavy built-up steel girders to support the steel framed floors with composite concrete floors. The building has a large atrium area, which is used by students for study and social meetings. The roof framing over the large open spaces consists of steel trusses and built-up steel girders supported by steel and concrete columns. Lateral resistance for the building consisted of concrete shear walls, diagonally braced frames and chevron steel braces, located to accommodated windows and door openings. The classroom building received an award from the AIA for its use of thin shell concrete panels to achieve the Bhutanese appearance prevalent throughout the campus.

  • Robert Navarro & Associates Engineering, Inc.
  • 124 W. Castellano Drive, Suite 201, El Paso, TX 79912