THE QUEEN OF PEACE CHURCH campus in west El Paso with the architectural firm of Mijares-Mora consists of the Sanctuary facility and a separate public meeting hall facility. The church design is typical of catholic churches with the high cathedral ceilings. The main building is framed with large carrying steel trusses, which span from front to rear of the church. These trusses form an antrium space with skylights across the full length of the church. The carrying trusses also support secondary trusses, which span to frame the sides of the cross configuration on each side of the main sanctuary hall. The shape of the roof structure consists of a series of planes, which form ridges and valleys across the roof. In order to achieve the desired configuration, the top chord of the support trusses, assume the shape of the roof, creating unique details at the joints. The main carrying trusses were partially fabricated in the shop, sent to the site and the fabrication was completed on the ground. The trusses were then lifted onto the supporting columns and temporarily stabilized until the secondary trusses were erected. The unusual framing creates a pleasing aspect from below.