East Consourse Expansion and Renovation

This project consisted of the structural design required for selective demolition and expansion of the passenger areas in the East concourse of the main terminal to provide enhanced passenger facilities.

Consolidated Security Checkpoint

This project consisted of the structural design required to demolish the North half of the 1969 central concourse and construct a two-story 34,364 square-foot, steel framed addition to the concourse to form a consolidated security check point for departing passengers and create a defined separation between secure and non-secure public areas and include new escalators and elevators.

Air Cargo Building

This project was for the second of two buildings and consisted of the structural design for a 144,000 square-foot warehouse facility constructed using site cast tilt-up concrete panels for the exterior walls and long span rigid frame to support the roof.

  • Robert Navarro & Associates Engineering, Inc.
  • 124 W. Castellano Drive, Suite 201, El Paso, TX 79912