City of El Paso Special Inspection Program
by Robert Navarro and Associates
The City of El Paso, Texas will establish the requirements for "Special Inspection" in accordance with the Code Provision of Chapter 17 of the International Building Code. The City is currently preparing to publish the first draft of the Special Inspection Program, in the spring of 2012. The initial version of the Special Inspection Program was prepared by the Special Inspection Committee, chaired by Robert Navarro P. E., of the El Paso Chapter of the American Council of Engineering Companies Texas and the Structural Engineers Association of Texas. Work on the draft by the committee started in early 2011 and utilized currently published Special Inspection Programs which have been instituted in San Antonio, Texas, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Phoenix, Arizona, as guides for the El Paso program. El Paso, Texas will add to the short list of cities in Texas to institute the Special Inspection Program.
The Special Inspection Program for the City of El Paso will be published, initially to allow comments to be submitted to the City, and will become the basis for providing Special Inspections on facilities under the jurisdiction of the City of El Paso. Inspections under the Special Inspection Program primarily cover the structural portions of the construction of facilities.